Sunday, November 16, 2008


We're back together again. I picked Dave up from the airport on Wednesday. I exited the elevator the exact moment he exited the gate. And from that strangely synchronous moment, everything's been back to normal. I thought it might be a little weird, being a couple again, having someone around all the time. But it's not. I'm a little more giddy than I was before -- Dave got himself trapped between the sofa bed and the wall yesterday which had me laughing to the point where I thought I may be doing harm to myself and the unborn.
Speaking of, I finally went back to the OB who didn't seem to mind at all that it had been over two months since my last visit. Dave came with, smiling politely while sitting across from the briskly efficient -- and still tan -- docteur who was muttering to himself in French about glucose tests and echograms. But after weeks of anxiety and embarrassing phone calls to receptionists, over bad reception, in broken French, as soon as I entered the waiting room I already felt better. I knew nothing was wrong. I felt healthy. I just needed the surroundings there to verify it.
And also, it doesn't hurt to have Dave back again. To reassure me that I don't have gestational diabetes, or high blood pressure, or a fat ass, or a dumb dissertation. Phew.


diana said...

Oh, thank god. We've been very anxious stateside, waiting for this reunion!

kungfuramone said...

I am jealous of and happy for you in equal measure. :]

Becky said...

Whee, I envy you guys and your reunion!

And I'm sure your ass is fine.

Unknown said...

the world feels safer now that you two are together. and not just for democracy either.

Unknown said...

I love the copy of 'I'm Pregnant!' on the bookshelf behind your head. In case we keeping score at home were confused...

BR said...

yes, yes, yes. reading this just made my day.
lots of love to you both!
xxx, b&a

Unknown said...

yay! yeah, echoing everyone else, i'm glad the world is aright again. now, could you all do something about this global financial crisis?