Thursday, May 24, 2007

new post.

In an effort to not be "clearscreen: infrequently updated," i mean really that's so played out, I will try to be more vigiliant in my posting. The problem would be, of course, that the content of the posts will be a smidge more boring.

For example. Last night I went out for drinks (now, how many times can one say that on a blog? "the truth" of my bar frequenting would be too scandalous), with some long lost santa cruz friends who are back in town to kick it old school style. needless to say it was a delightful get-together, and I came home later than I planned and way more tired than I wanted to be.

In a few weeks, I will be going to NYC for my friends wedding. Oh dear, I'm really looking forward to it. I just bought a dress for the rehearsal dinner, a purchase that demands another one -- new shoes. I want strappy, sexy ones with not-too-tall heels; but I can't find any around here that I like, and that aren't $200+. D. suggested, with all sincerity, loafers. . . something about gwyneth paltrow in "royal tennebaums". i don't care who wore what when, i'm not going to make the move from strappy-sexy to loafers. So, i think i'm just not going to buy a new pair of shoes.


~~~ said...

find a nordstrom rack. it's school paradise. a convention of sexy, beautiful, cheap shoes.

~~~ said...

SHOE paradise, is what i meant to say..

clear screen said...

school paradise?! i wish i could interpret that slip and tell you the meaning of your life. but i can't.