Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Why I don't write fiction

I've had a little trouble sleeping lately. I wake up around 3AM and can't fall asleep again for a couple of hours. Last night, rummaging through thoughts of the calming variety, I began to wonder if it would be possible to rewrite a plot-driven novel -- my example was Pride and Prejudice -- in a reflexive mode. So, for example, instead of Bridget Jones' Diary you might have something closer to Corrections or whatever. Something better [than BJD], to put it simply. So I started to mentally compose this novel of the modernized and thoughful Elizabeth Bennett and Darcy and realized what an awful writer I am. I write, in my mind, like I wish I were born in 1834, but with some modern lingo thrown in to "jazz it up." ("Lizzie threw him a vicious smirk then made for the buffet counter.") Thus -- I do not write fiction.

Anyway, is it possible to write a story about a girl who hates a guy and then ends up loving him without evoking Carrie, Miranda etal? Yes?

1 comment:

~~~ said...

"Hi" I said.

"Hi" he said.

"You look good."

"So do you" he said.

You are totally welcome to steal this witty dialogue for your work of fiction.