Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Intro to Lit. Theory

I just had my first section today . . . and it went well! I'm TA-ing for an intro to literary theory whose focus is Marxism -- taught by Chris Connery, the resident Marxist of the lit dept. I know ostensibly nothing about Marxism, except for piddley things like exchange-value and commodity fetishism -- I know the words more than what they mean. But, I can handle the more general topics, like ideology, and the big question: "what IS literature, anyway." So, I opened with this question and people started talking! I love it. I gush only because TA-ing has historically frightened me. I get all nervous and worried that I'll stumble over my words and everyone will know how stupid i am. But today was actually ok. i feel good about it.

here's an image that has nothing to do with anything:

1 comment:

~~~ said...

wow, this is great. good for you.