Saturday, October 18, 2008

Cookies and Crafts

I splurged today for lunch. After a decadent week-and-a-half of eating out at French Bistros I had promised myself to make all my meals at home. But I had such a craving for Vietnamese noodles this afternoon. What could I do? And then after my (actually Cambodian) lunch, I had a hankering for something sweet. So I bought a chocolate cookie. And I ate it. And now I feel awful. But also completely satisfied. C'mon. Cut me some slack. I'm pregnant.
I've started knitting a Super Easy Baby Blanket with some yarn I got at the Bon Marche, which was having a sale. My mother is already making a baby blanket, but I couldn't resist. Babies can have more than one blanket, I'm pretty sure. Might as well both be hand-made. However, knitting is an activity that indulges my procrastinating desires -- which may be a problem since I really, honestly should get some work done while I'm here.
I went and saw Tropic Thuder (or "Tonnerre sous les tropiques") last night. I thought it was funny, but not as hilarious as the man sitting next to me, crying into his popcorn everytime Ben Stiller played "Simple Jack." Perhaps Stiller's performance was too reminiscent of Jerry Lewis not to provoke the Frenchman's hysterical convulsions.


kungfuramone said...

I'm pretty sure that, medically speaking, you're supposed to want cookies, and that it's unhealthy to not have them.

diana said...

Can a baby have three handmade blankets? What if two were knit and one was *crocheted*?

clear screen said...

i think three blankets is within the scope of reason. Especially if one were crocheted. And made by you. Now seven blankets would be too much -- even though the little baby could have one blanket for every day of the week, even Sunday.