Friday, October 20, 2006

Yesterday was Thursday . . .

And a friend and I drove up to Stanford to hear Fran Dolan give a lecture on the discourse of marriage -- based upon Pre-Modern figures of "the rod" and "the breeches -- and the fiction of equality that is sustained only by the obscured presence of the servant or slave upon whom domestic violence is displaced. It was a really nice lecture, and she was so animated and funny that I didn't mind missing most of the ball game. I really need to go out and see more lectures outside my own areas of interest. Broaden your mind, kids. So important. (silence)

Anyway -- that ball game! what a fucking game! I was petrified the last half inning. But it all turned out okay. The Cardinals are moving on to the World Series. Don't fret about things that will end up turning out okay, kids. So important.

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