Sunday, November 02, 2008

Family Visit

Ok, my parents are gone for the States but, while here, managed to provoke my first non-rational, hormonally-rich mood swings. Seriously. I was going from screaming pissed off to silently crying in seconds. And the whole time I was thinking, "damn - my family really screws me up." Until I realized at least half of this dysfunction just can't be helped. Which is a relief, cause I was starting to feel real guilty for being such a nutso of a tourguide/daughter/sister. I still feel a little guilty.

But I think their trip was a success overall -- given all the photos that were taken. The weather was pretty much cold and rainy the whole time -- but I took them to the Musée de l'Orangerie. Which they loved! We also saw the new James Bond movie, and had dinner at a great little Vietnamese restaurant near Belleville.


Becky said...

You need to cut yourself some slack. You have kind of got a lot going on, and you're pregnant, which is crazy-exhausting, and I bet you were a great tourguide.

And I'm so jealous that the Orangerie is finally open again and I am not there!

clear screen said...

Thanks - it's my midwest guilt (does that exist?) kicking in.

Anyway, now you have a reason to come back -- the museum really very beautiful.