Monday, July 21, 2008

TechnoPop and Hot Pix

I'm in my borrowed office on campus that I have to give up at the end of the week. Only two more class sessions left. Tomorrow the students are going to do some work on the essays they have due on Thursday. And Thursday -- the last day -- we're going to watch Pan's Labyrinth.
But instead of preparing for class tomorrow -- which I need to start doing pronto -- I'm listening to dance music on Pandora and taking pictures of myself on Photobooth. Computers are fun.
And educational. I just learned I look really nice as a comic book Christina -- much better than "normal" Christina. Overexpose the blemishes, please.

Notice the empty bookcases behind me. Vertical lines to draw the gaze inward .. . No, just a testament to the impermanence of my position.

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