Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Some Summer Thoughts in Sacramento

I want to open a bookstore. I have no idea how to run a business or start a business. But I do love, on my walks with Desmond, letting my mind wander thinking about what the store will look like, the kinds of books we'd sell, how I'd offer ESL classes in the back, and host monthly lectures for a "Free University" series. It'd be called "Watershed Books" and we'd sell books on "art, culture and politics" A hipster kind of bookstore, with fancy art books, and pompous cultural studies books, and some poetry and fiction. But, more than a store that sells books -- cause who needs to buy books at a store? -- it'd be a kind of community space to meet like-minded people and see what they're reading. Dave said some sort of web format is imperative, which is a frightening but practical idea.

I'm also not thinking about the last chapter of my dissertation. Worrisome.

But I do think about all the babies my friends are having or are about to have. About how sadly far away they are. Once friends have babies it should be mandatory -- a federal law -- that they all move within a 50 mile radius of one another. Why isn't that a law yet?

1 comment:

pellg said...

I really like all these thoughts. Especially the bookstore (we believe that you guys would be most wonderful at this) and even more the friends with babies living close by law. Federal Act Baby Proximity of 2010.