Monday, August 17, 2009

How to Write a Dissertation

I have no idea. Not the way I'm doing it.

Dave and I have a not-so-strict routine. On Mondays/Wednesdays when Dave gets home from work at 5, I go off to a cafe to get some reading or writing done. And on "furlough Fridays," I'll try to get a good 4-5 hours of work in. So far this has produced a photobook of baby pictures I ordered through QOOP, and a paragraph of quotes I should use.

In the meantime, Desmond has two teeth and will crawl any day now. Season 3 of Mad Men started last night. And temperatures reached the upper 90s in the Sacramento region.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Ooh, wasn't Mad Men good the other night?

I can't tell you that it gets a lot easier, except that Hank is about to start nursery school. Somehow between his birth and now, I have drafted all four chapters. He is three. So not a land-speed record. He's about to start nursery school, so I hope to get this thing out the door (the diss, not him).