Monday, December 12, 2005


I have a cold. But it's okay, I kind of like being sick sometimes. I feel like it's therapeutic to be sick. Like I'm really getting things done, sneezing and sniffling.
We went to a pretty little wedding this weekend at the Berkeley City Club. What stood out about it? I liked how we weren't harrassed by a pushy dj, rounded up and herded around the dance floor. I also appreciated the absence of a "videographer". The dj was a sweet, youngish asian dude, who played things like neutral milk hotel and the kinks. The bride and groom took their first dance to Dylan's "Takes a Woman Like You," which made me tear up all over the place.
Speaking of, I'm welling up left and right these days! A side-symptom of my cold or something more sinister? Who can say?

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