Friday, September 16, 2005

The ever expanding geography of friendship

Raphaelle, who has recently married and moved to Santa Barbara, breezed through the Cruz to bestow greetings to her hoodlum friends left stranded in central coast. We were all stunned at her southern California glow and blond, feathery bangs, no longer certain of our status, paled as we must have been by the sophisticated lights of L.A. She left and I shed a knowing tear, sure that our fast-forward friendship was soon to be lost to sunnier, glitzier lands . . . Just kidding. It was great to see her and she helped me figure this "posting" business out. The *real* point is that, at this stage, most of my friends are no longer within a two-mile radius of ME and that maybe this personal journal, whine-space will cut the distance a bit. That is, if they too start feeling the need to whine on-line, which I doubt since most of them have each other to whine to in person. In the meantime, I'm not quite sure how I want to use this space, in what capacity I need it: academically, emotionally, frivolously. It will most likely act as a mirror of sorts, where I can narcissistically read my own life in print and thus be struck by the grandeur of myself! be warned, hapless reader.

1 comment:

~~~ said...

Reading this makes me feel...famous! Thank you Clear Screen, you've made my dream come true.