Monday, December 18, 2006

Christmas Spirit?

Us Santa Cruzans traveled the grueling hour and half voyage north, over mountains, past tornadoes and sand storms, through enchanted forests, to the land of H&Ms and spaghetti shacks. You might assume that a shopping trip to S.F. in December would mean I was thinking of my loved ones who would soon benefit from my money spending. But, no, this trip was mostly selfish. Or, kind of. I didn't actually buy that much -- a sweater for David (it's true, he is a loved one), and some other crap for me. Mostly, however, this trip was for hanging out. Dave was helping S. prep a room in his house for painting, while the rest of us walked through Hayes Valley, looking at things we couldn't afford. But what's all this about a "spaghetti shack"? Well seven of us squeezed into this hip little joint in the mission and ate some pasta T-Rex style. The point is, although socializing does tend to exhaust me, this weekend kind of felt like a real vacation. I didn't think about school, or reading books, or grading papers. Nor did Dave. Well done.

Monday, December 11, 2006

and now what?

After a tortuous Friday, when we all got together to enter grades into a computer for 6-1/2 hours, and then had delicious dinner, I'm all done with official school responsibilities. And this means I am totally free to work on my own stuff, unhindered by other worries. How delightful. No excuses.

In other news, I saw *Casino Royale* last night. Eh, I was thinking maybe I'd write down a few thoughts, but I don't really have any. It was a kind of long movie. But, you know, it was fun. That's all I got to say.

View from the back deck:

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Not there yet

I've recently managed to eke out yet another version of my QE topic on the space of the room. It still doesn't make sense, which I shamefully admitted in my meeting today with one of my advisors. Why won't it make sense? Cause it's crazy, that's why. I'm talking crazy.
In the meantime, I have a pile -- tho' not too big -- of papers to grade and evals to write by Friday morning. It's not as impossible as it sounds, I just don't want to do it. It's brain-hurting.

Monday, December 04, 2006


I didn't do shit this weekend. L&C came over on Saturday to watch the Arkansas college football game, which meant we started drinking around 3:30 and didn't stop until 9. Which also led to the pang of guilt I felt the next day about the ways I abuse my body, you know my sacred temple, my vessel of virtue, etc. Solution? I went to the local health food store and bought some Detox tea. That oughta do the trick, no?